
The company Del Monte produces helical screw pumps comprising of a helical-shaped stainless steel rotor, optionally chrome-plated to a specific thickness, rotating inside a fixed stator made of rubber or other material chosen on the basis of the chemical-physical properties and temperature of the product; the close contact between the rotor and the stator produces a uniform, regular passage of the liquid.


  • Splash-free fluid conveyance (phenomena related to turbulence, foam formation and oxidation-creation processes avoided)
  • rotation direction can be reversed to reverse liquid flow direction
  • flow rate remains almost constant during pressure variations
  • self-priming with suction up to 7-8 meters
  • resilient execution and little play in construction design
  • fast, easy, pump assembly and disassembly (no requirement for specialised personnel)
  • considerable engine power reductions – providing same flow rate and head delivery as other pumps of different designs
  • minimum maintenance, economical operating costs, long lifetimes
pompe elicoidali, rotore acciaio inossidabile, pompe monovite

Application fields

The pumps produced by POMPE DEL MONTE are suitable for conveying the widest range of liquids from thin to thick and viscous.

Any type of product can be pumped as long as it has a flow capacity, however limited. This is also true for liquids containing suspended solids which can be pumped without damage.

Due to their exceptional versatility, Del Monte pumps are ideal for the most varying industrial sectors from the Food and Beverage industry (Canning and Preserving, Wine ..) to Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical and Paper industries, and also Sewage Treatment plants.

Helical screw pump with hopper and auger feeder (b85c model)

Processing plastic or viscous substances with low flow rates such as thick mud, pulps with low humidity levels, materials containing high percentages of solid abrasive substances, as well as many materials often considered as non-pumpable, require a conveyor having the capacity to ensure that adequate quantities of the product are fed into the pump.

To meet this need, on request, a hopper with auger feeder can be inserted before the rotor so that the material is moved by the pumping system at a continuous rate, and therefore avoiding the risk of the product being altered or drying out during pumping.
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